Eden Wild Goose Pray
The EWG Pray Initiative
A page of suggestions for those joining our EWG Pray initiative.
Webpages with prayer ideas, thoughts and pictures and music to encourage our prayer life.
These ideas are linked to various praters in the Rhythm of Life prater book.
What is prayer?
There is no simple, satisfactory definition of prayer but perhaps at its heart is the idea of relationship with God, or being in communion or communication with God.
There are many books written on prayer and probably not one of them can fully claim to have prayer 'buttonholed'. We can come to prayer in any number of ways, through the formal means of Sunday Church prayers, to simply sitting silently and consciously, enjoying that seascape or sunset. And yet, for all its flexibility and availability very few of us would claim to find prayer easy. Maybe that is not surprising since understanding God is not possible for our finite minds. God is mystery. That's why it can be helpful to have a simple tool like our current book at our disposal, to help us and guide us when we feel at a loss but somehow know we want to connect and reach out beyond ourselves.
Songs for prayer
Send revival, start with me
How to change the world
Matt Redman
I am not alone
For those time when you feel alone
Kari Jobe
Without a map
Asking God the questions when it feels that you are 'Without a map'.
Marketa Irglova
The Rhythm of Life prayer book
Link to explanation page
We have chosen a book that can be used at anytime of any day. With this can link with others in daily prayer through 'The Rhythm of Life' Celtic Daily Prayer book by David Adam SPCK. It is mostly scripture and prayer and can be used in a variety of ways. It is available free from Graeme Skinner, however any donation will enable us to pass a copy on to another person. It costs £8.

The Rhythm of Life insert leaflet
Inspired by St Cuthbert
Two talks on Cuthbert and Celtic Spirituality exploring foundational values for Eden Wild Goose.
Link to page