Eden Wild Goose Art
EWG will be developing activities to encourage our enjoyment of the arts.

Eden Wild Goose Art Colony
The collective noun for a group of artists and painters is a Colony.
Drawing and painting - basic and improving skills – a space to learn together. All most welcome.
There will be a few more experienced artists from a local art group with us to share what they have learnt to encourage us.
Wednesdays from 7th September from 1.45pm-3pm in St Paul’s Holme Eden Church, Warwick Bridge CA4 8RF. Church Car Park.
We will all bring our own, maybe as yet unknown styles, to the relaxed and enjoyable gatherings.
Materials and refreshments supplied. Suggested donation £3 each session.
Please contact Norman Criak 07779 773294 nmps.craik@btinternet.com
Another Eden Wild Goose initiative (Life in all its fullness)
Faith in Art series
A group gathered for four weeks to consider four well known paintings and how they connected the life of Jesus with our own personal understanding of faith.

One Minute Mindful Moments
May 2020 Wetheral Art for All Online Exhibition

The Covid lock down prevented the 2020 Annual Art for All Exhibition from taking place in Wetheral Community Village Hall, so we relocated online This Eden Wild Goose, a community group inspired by the local churches, hosted the exhibition on line. The artists sent images for our viewing and enjoyment.
Link to gallery of artists