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One Minute Mindful Moments

These short one-minute videos are offered for you to use any way you choose. 
They are open-ended, leaving the response to you.

  • They may give you an opportunity to simply take a deep breath and pause for a moment.  
  • They may help you reflect on something you are experiencing today or facing in the days to come.
  • You might like to play them twice, at the beginning and end of a time of reflection.
  • You could talk about your feelings and reactions with someone you watched them with in your home or a person who watched in another home.
  • If you are used to some form of meditation, reading the Bible or any other regular pattern, they can be used to enrich that time. 

OMMM will be regularly added to this website with the newest at the top of the list.

14th July 2021 Bombus
EWG OMMM Bombus title

14th July 2021 It's time to fly
OMMM Its time to fly title

Link to EWG Community Choir song
by Jerry King

11th March 2021 An otter in Eden
OMMM An otter in Eden title

7th March 2021 Spring flowers of hope

Spring Flowers of hope Title

28 Feb 2021 'All is well'
EWGN All is well Geese Title

21 Feb 2021 'Through a window'

Through the window cover title