Music at Eden Churches
Music plays an important part in our worship, thanks to the Holme Eden Music Group, and Wetheral's robed choir.
Find out more below!
Wetheral Choir

We are a traditional robed choir, and sing for Wetheral Church's 11.15am Holy Communion services twice a month, plus a monthly BCP Choral Evensong on the first Sunday of the month at 6pm (usually followed by a trip to the pub!)
We also sing for special services such at Good Friday, Easter Vigil, 9 Lessons and Carols, and Midnight Mass, plus the occasional concert and garden party.
Our repertoire is strong and varied, ranging from Tallis, Farrant and Smith, to Mozart and Schubert, through Victorian and Edwardian favourites like Stanford, Wood, Brewer and Bairstow, to more modern choral composers like Chilcott, Rutter, Taverner and Forbes-L'Estrange.
We're a fun and friendly bunch ranging in age from 20s to 90s! An ability to read music is very helpful but not essential.
We rehearse on Thursday evenings at 5.45pm for 1.5hrs in Wetheral Church.
We are extremely lucky to have a very talented organist, Michael Oliver, to assist our rehearsals and accompany us in services.
Please contact our Director of Music, Verity Ramsden on 07376719071 or for more information and to get involved.
Holme Eden Music Group
Based at St Paul's church, the music group is an informal group of musicians and singers who provide appropriate hymns and modern music for the weekly services at St Paul's, and at Morning Worship services at Holy Trinity, Wetheral.
The group has more recently started 'Big Sing' nights, where modern and traditional church music is showcased, together with requests.
All are very welcome to join, no auditions required and all voices and musicians would be most welcome.
The group meets at 7 pm on most Tuesdays at St Paul's church. (Please see the Calendar section of our Website)
Contact Alan Massey 07749223392 for more details.