Eden Wild Goose Posada

The tradition of Posada (meaning inn) started in Mexico,
it represents Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem.
This Posada is travelling around the Eden Wild Goose area
and Mary and Joseph … and their donkey seek hospitality.
At each venue Joseph knocks on the door and says,
‘In the name of heaven please welcome us in,
we come from Nazareth and travel to Bethlehem.’
This is asked twice and the host replies twice,
‘Sorry there is no room for you here’.
On the third time Joseph adds
‘… my wife is expecting a baby, he will be called Jesus’.
The host then says,
‘Are you Mary and Joseph?
Enter Pilgrims, we didn’t know it was you.’
The Posada will visit local schools, homes, pubs, churches…
and finally arrive at the Holy Trinity Wetheral Crib Service
at 6pm on Christmas Eve.

Wednesday 27th November
Scotby CE School

Tuesday 3rd December
Wetheral Tots Cafe

Wednesday 11th December
Mother's Union

Thursday 12th December
Jelly Tots Holme Eden
--- Craft sheets for 2020