
Sunday Services - Monthly Pattern:

The general monthly service pattern is a follows (however please check the detailed diary page for variations).

First Sunday
8.15am BCP Holy Communion Wetheral
9.45am Morning Worship Holme Eden
6pm BCP Choral Evensong Wetheral (with Wetheral Church Choir)

Second Sunday
9.45am Holy Communion Holme Eden
11.15am Holy Communion Wetheral (with Wetheral Church Choir)

Third Sunday
9.45am 'Engage' Holme Eden
11.15am Morning Worship Wetheral

Fourth Sunday
9.45am Holy Communion Holme Eden
11.15am Holy Communion Wetheral (with Wetheral Church Choir)

Fifth Sundays
Holy Communion - alternates between the churches


Extra services:

We hold additional services for Festivals and other special occasions, for example:

Ash Wednesday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Vigil

9 Lessons and Carols
Midnight Mass

Music in our services:

Wetheral's worship is served by our robed Church Choir for 11.15am Holy Communion services (2nd, 4th and alternating 5th Sundays).  The choir also sings a BCP Choral Evensong every 1st Sunday of the month at 6pm, plus special occasions such as the 9 lessons and Carols, Midnight Mass, Good Friday and Easter Vigil.

IMG 7067a

Wetheral's Morning Worship services (3rd Sundays) are led by members of the Holme Eden Music Group.

Holme's Eden's services are led by the Holme Eden Music Group.

Holme Eden Music 001
For more information on music in our church, or to get involved, click here.


Tea and Coffee are served after the 9.45am Holme Eden services, and the 11.15am Wetheral services.

Upcoming Services:

Sunday 9th June:
9.45am - Holy Communion - Holme Eden Church
11.15am - Holy Communion - Wetheral Church

Sunday 16th June:
9.45am - Engage - Holme Eden Church ("Unless the Lord Builds the House" - Building Images in the Bible – Norman Craik)
11.15am - Morning Worship - Wetheral Church

Sunday 23rd June:
9.45am - Holy Communion - Holme Eden Church
11.15am - Holy Communion - Wetheral Church

Sunday 30th June:
11.15am - Joint Holy Communion - Wetheral Church

Sunday 7th July:
8.15am - BCP Holy Communion - Wetheral Church
9.45am - Morning Worship - Holme Eden Church
6.00pm - BCP Choral Evensong - Wetheral Church 

Sunday 14th July:
9.45am - Holy Communion - Holme Eden Church
11.15am - Holy Communion - Wetheral Church

Sunday 21st July:
9.45am - Engage - Holme Eden Church ('The Camino' to be given by Dave Roberts and Mike Crawley)
11.15am - Morning Worship - Wetheral Church

Sunday 28th July:
9.45am - Holy Communion - Holme Eden Church
11.15am - Holy Communion - Wetheral Church



All our services are covered by the CCLI licence 6887 for copyright and live streaming.


Holme Eden Guitar

Holme Eden

Bible reading